Guest Playlist - Vilde

Thomas Vilde first came to our attention in his previous band Kins who once achieved the exulted status of track of the year on these very pages. 

Now operating as a solo artist we have featured much of his output over the past few months. 

This is his playlist put together for electric sound of joy. 

Vilde on his playlist

"These songs are most of those I can recall which struck me in some substantial kind of way. Still not really sure why. I think i've ended up with a pretty narrow window for what I like nudging itself between pop simplicity & atypical chords & structures. In writing music my top priority is to do something different, even if it sucks. Better to be shit and different than sound like something else. That's my eternal struggle. I don't naturally take risks or voyage out of my comfort zone, so for every bit I do I've had to really push myself. So that gives it a real excitement for me, allows a certain catharsis for emotions otherwise restricted in my life. I suppose I like to hear that same thing. Something kind of weird that has clearly been important to somebody to make, not just eg. 'connan mockasin is doing a cool thing I'll kinda do something like that'."

Vilde on his upcoming acitivities

"Currently gearing up to get out & play some shows. I've released quite a bunch of music so far, so getting the live thing happening is the next step. Looking forward to my monthly singles compilation to finish in September, so we can get onto the next one. Those were an experiment, a somewhat pragmatic slap dash process. I'm currently working on an LP which will be an actual cohesive thing, 9 tracks that fit together all snug. Indefinite duration on the making of that one."

Vilde on





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